Wednesday 17 October 2012

 Hacker News’ Ask Section

If you are a startup founder then you probably know about Y Combinator, the famous startup funding group that is known for its unique style of approaching startup funding and for investing in great companies. Hacker News is their news and information meme and it’s ask section is a great place to get answers to questions related to business, technology, startups and just about anything related to the web.
Y Combinator

Do you have a warped sense of humor? Then this is the site for you. It has twisted articles like, “6 Companies That Make Money Solving Problems They Made Up” and “The 5 Most Impractical Aspects of Superhero Costumes.” The site also has funny videos and a daily contest for the funniest caption or as they call it,Craption.


The best sites on the internet for funny and amazing pictures and videos are the Cheezburger Network sites. It all started with the Lolcatsand Loldogs. These are pictures of cats and dogs with funny captions. The running joke with these is that cats always want a cheeseburger. The site branched off from there to other funny sites like PunditKitchenthat has real news pix with fake captions, FailBlog which features hilarious goofs, and Engrish that shows pictures of English being butchered around the world. My personal favorite is Epic Win FTW(For the Win). It is full of awesome stuff people have made or done.

Monday 15 October 2012
THIS site is  all RAJNIKANTH Sir fans ....
The most amazing thing about this site is that is RUNS ON RAJNI POWER....i.e. 
         for this site to work you fisrt havto swich off internet connection...
ONE MUST TRY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The best Q and A site you can ever experience.......
But it has a Little SECRET .... the thing which yo u can do to FOOL others is that while you are typing a PETITION to peter as you are requested , while typing you can use  (.) sign in MIDDLE of petition and then you hv to type the answer of the Q you are asking  to peter and then whatever you type it will appear as the petition but it is ACTUALLY the answer. TO end the answer you should use the (.) sign again